What We Do

Hanover School Counselors Logo - Manage, Assess, Deliver, Define. Hanover School Counselors "What's best for students"At Chickahominy Middle School, we work with every student to develop goals for a successful future and map the path to make these goals a reality. We invite you to preview our services on our Counseling pages. Hanover County Public Schools adheres to the American School Counselor Association National Model, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program. School counselors serve to assist students with course selections, to meet with and counsel individuals or groups of students to help them overcome obstacles to learning and personal growth, to provide career information, and to guide in planning for a prospective career and further education. School counselors also serve as a liaison between the school and the home and provide parents with information on the student’s progress in school.

Counseling Services

We offer counseling services to all students, both individually and in groups. These services are designed to address the academic, social, emotional, and developmental needs of our students.


Counselors coordinate a variety of special programs within CMS including registration, peer help and conflict mediation programs, long-term education planning, and guiding students through decision-making.

One of our clubs, POPS (Peers on Peers), is a community service and peer mentoring club that organizes and promotes the Salvation Army/FOX Holiday Socks program each December. We also facilitate elementary school tours for our rising 6th-grade students each spring.


An important part of our school counselor's roles is consultation. Counselors may consult with parents, faculty, other school staff, and community agencies in order to best meet the individual needs of all students.

Classroom Lessons

Our counselors also conduct a variety of classroom lessons throughout the year providing students with information relevant to their needs and concerns. These lessons may include study skills, career exploration, decision-making skills, and future educational planning.

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